A Construction Method of Fuzzy Classifiers Using Confidence-weighted Learning

Tomoharu Nakashima, Takeshi Sumitani, Andrzej Bargiela
2013 Procedia Computer Science  
Incremental algorithms for fuzzy classifiers are studied in this paper. It is assumed that not all training patterns are given a priori for training classifiers, but are gradually made available over time. It is also assumed that the previously available training patterns can not be used afterwards. Thus, fuzzy classifiers should be modified by updating already constructed classifiers using the available training patterns. In this paper, a confidence-weighted (CW) learning algorithm is applied
more » ... o fuzzy classifiers for this task. A series of computational experiments are conducted in order to examine the performance of the proposed method comparing that method with the conventional learning algorithm for fuzzy classifiers.
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2013.09.124 fatcat:4a4hsa542bemromvsav23wbyom