Context-aware QoS provisioning in an m-health service platform

Katarzyna Wac, Aart Van Halteren, Richard Bults, Tom Broens
2007 International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology  
Inevitably, healthcare goes mobile. Recently developed mobile healthcare (i.e. m-health) services allow healthcare professionals to monitor mobile patient's vital signs and provide feedback to this patient anywhere at any time. Due to the nature of current supporting mobile service platforms, mhealth services are delivered with a best-effort, i.e., there are no guarantees on the delivered quality of service (QoS). In this paper, we argue that the use of context information in an m-health
more » ... platform improves the delivered QoS. We give a first attempt to merge context information with a QoS-aware mobile service platform in the m-health services domain. We illustrate this with an epilepsy tele-monitoring scenario.
doi:10.1504/ijipt.2007.012373 fatcat:td57z7diync5pkv3ty3drsjbk4