Statistics. An Introduction using R. Michael J Crawley. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005, 335 pp. $130.00, hardcover. ISBN 0-470-02297-3, $44.95; paperback. ISBN 0-470-02298-1. (Book web site:

A. R. Henderson
2006 Clinical Chemistry  
The R language of statistical computing (CRAN: Comprehensive R Archive Network; http://cran.r-project. org) is just over 5 years old but already has an enthusiastic and growing worldwide following. The R web site is a rich statistical resource: the program itself (new versions appear frequently); an astonishing, and growing, vast array of packages (additional statistical programs); operating manuals; FAQs; R-News (the R newsletter: volume 5 is now available); and a daily R-Help-Digest, where
more » ... rs can post questions and have them answered by eminent statisticians who volunteer their time for the benefit of all. There is one drawback-learning R demands much effort, but the gains in statistical competence and expertise are well worth the time expended. So, how to learn R? One of the following 2 volumes would be an excellent place to start.
doi:10.1373/clinchem.2005.065607 fatcat:37gowd3eorenvlw6ebuw4rgtui