Juvenile Dermatomyositis Accompanied by Total Leukonychia

Perihan Ozturk, Unal Ozturk, Ali Kalender, Arzu Ataseven
2012 Annals of the Pediatric Rheumatology (APR)  
Total leukonychia is an unusual finding in dermatomyositis. We present a juvenile dermatomyositis case with total leukonychia. Main observations: Our case, an 8 year-old female, has all the characteristic findings of amyopathic dermatomyositis including Gottron' s papules and heliotrope rash. The patient had symptoms constantly and she developed total leukonychia a year following the onset of dermatomyositis. Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of dermatomyositis associated with total leukonychia.
doi:10.5455/apr.083120120756 fatcat:u23nprfpvbhj3fio2t4jvrwanu