The Effect of Perceived Quality, Brand Image, and Price Perception on Purchase Decision

Misbahul Anwar, Dodi Andrean
2021 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2020-Accounting and Management (ICoSIAMS 2020)   unpublished
This study aims to determine the influence of perceived quality, brand image, and price perception on the decision to purchase airline tickets online at customers. The number of samples used in this research was 200 respondents, who were users of the website to purchase plane tickets online in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Purposive sampling was employed as a sampling technique. Meanwhile, multiple regression analysis was utilized as a method of analysis to
more » ... ine the influence of the variables involved. This study's results indicated that simultaneously, perceived quality, brand image, and price perception positively and significantly influenced purchase decisions. Partially, perceived quality positively and significantly affected purchase decisions. Partially, brand image positively and significantly impacted purchase decisions. Moreover, partially, price perception had a positive and significant effect on purchase decisions. Research by [2] revealed that product quality, brand image, and price perception positively affected purchasing decisions. [9] also explained that product quality, brand image, and price perception significantly influenced purchasing decisions. Besides, Amron's research [1] found that brand image, brand trust, product quality, and price positively impacted consumers' purchasing decisions. Based on the results of these Advances in Engineering Research, volume 201
doi:10.2991/aer.k.210121.012 fatcat:4tpg6c4fz5fqbluwok4psbkihq