Study on Scaling Law of Impact Cratering on Granular Bed

2020 Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation ANNUAL REPORT  
In the present study, we have studied the impact on a granular bed by a hydrogel sphere. The impact of an object will lead to the formation of a crater. The diameter of the crater is proportional to the 1/4 power of the kinetic energy of the object for low speed impact of a solid sphere. For a liquid drop impact cratering, some scaling factors (from 1/6 to 2/5) have been reported due to the complexity of a liquid drop impact phenomenon such as deformation, splashing, and penetrating granular
more » ... . Considering only the effect of the deformation on the scaling relation, we investigated the impact cratering of a hydrogel sphere which deforms without splashing and penetrating. For spheres with high Young's modulus, the relation of the 1/4 power law, which is reported for a solid sphere impact cratering, is observed. On the other hand, the power is smaller than 1/4 for the impact of the sphere with small Young's modulus.
doi:10.14356/hptf.17116 fatcat:mcnxy7qhxrfsjiu3oam4og2bmy