Identification strategy of anisotropic behavior laws: application to thin sheets of Aluminium A5

Amna Znaidi, Olfa Daghfas, Amen Gahbiche, Rachid Nasri
2016 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics  
Numerical simulation provides a valuable assistance in the controlling of forming processes. The elasto-plastic orthotropic constitutive law is based on the choice of an equivalent stress, a hardening law and a plastic potential. An identification of the model parameters from an experimental database is developed. This database consists in hardening curves and Lankford coefficients of specimens subjected to off-axis tensile tests. The proposed identification strategy is applied to aluminum
more » ... s. The behavior of this material is studied under several solicitations. The anisotropic behavior of the aluminum plate is modeled using the Barlat criterionand the hardening law. The obtained Lankford coefficients are compared to those which are identified by a different strategy.
doi:10.15632/jtam-pl.54.4.1147 fatcat:26ojny5y35abnf7kfs4mocsd7q