Bütünleşik SWARA-MULTIMOORA Yaklaşımı ile Uçak Gövdesi için Malzeme Seçimi
Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi
Article Info: Graphical/Tabular Abstract The variety of engineering materials is increasing day by day with alloying, post-treatments such as heat treatment, and the production of composite materials, besides pure elements. The selection of the most suitable material for each different part to be produced from such a large material pool is very important. In this study, which aims to select materials for the fuselage of the passenger aircraft, firstly criteria and alternatives have been
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... ed in line with expert opinions. The criteria weights were obtained using SWARA method, and then alternative materials were ranked by MULTIMOORA method according to the criteria weights. Table A. The decision matrix K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 maks maks maks maks maks maks min min ,6 105 4,43 Purpose: In this study, it is aimed to select materials for the fuselage of the passenger aircraft. Criteria and alternatives are determined in line with expert opinions. In the study, 8 criteria such as density, tensile strength, shear strength, cost, and 9 alternatives are taken into consideration. An integrated SWARA-MULTIMOORA approach is used for the material selection process. Theory and Methods: SWARA and MULTIMOORA methods were used in the study. SWARA method can value the criteria weights as one weight of criterion is higher or lower significant than the other criterion. MULTIMOORA is produced by adding the full multiplicative form to MOORA. This is not an independent MCDM method, it is based on the evaluation of other MOORA techniques and the ranking of the results by dominance. The criteria weights were obtained using SWARA method and alternatives were ranked by MULTIMOORA method Results: The results have shown that tensile strength was the most important criterion affecting the selection process with a weight of 0,457; percentage elongation was the least important with 0,016. A 1 (CFRP) was identified as the most suitable material and A 5 (Al 5052-H32) as the least suitable material for fuselage according to the integrated SWARA-MULTIMOORA method. Conclusion: Among the alternatives, the most suitable three materials for the fuselage were respectively CFRP, Ti-6Al-4V, and GFRP; the least suitable material was Al 5052-H32 according to the integrated SWARA-MULTIMOORA method. While Al was mostly used for fuselage in passenger aircraft production, it is seen that composite materials are used increasingly today. It was supported by our findings. As future work, results can be compared using different MCDM methods. Highlights • Passenger aircraft • Fuselage • SWARA-MULTIMOORA Keywords Fuselage Material selection MCDM SWARA MULTIMOORA Aslı ÇALIŞ BOYACI, Mehmet Çağrı TÜZEMEN / GU J Sci, Part C, 8(4):768-782 (2020) 769 GU J Sci, Part C, 8(4): 768-782 (2020) Öz Saf elementlerin yanında alaşımlama, ısıl işlem gibi ardıl işlemler ve kompozit malzeme üretimi ile mühendislik malzemelerinin çeşidi her geçen gün daha da artmaktadır. Böylesine geniş bir malzeme havuzundan, üretilecek her bir farklı parça için en uygun malzemenin seçimi ise oldukça önemlidir. Uçağın önemli bir bölümünü oluşturan gövde için uygun malzeme seçimi termal ve mekanik özelliklerin yanı sıra hafiflik ve maliyet açısından da önem arz etmektedir. Yolcu uçağı gövdesi için malzeme seçiminin amaçlandığı bu çalışmada, öncelikle uzman görüşleri doğrultusunda kriterler ve alternatifler belirlenmiştir. Yoğunluk, çekme dayanımı, kayma dayanımı, maliyet gibi kriterlerin dikkate alındığı çalışmada, kriter ağırlıkları SWARA yöntemiyle elde edilmiş, ardından belirlenen kriter ağırlıkları doğrultusunda alternatif malzemeler MULTIMOORA yöntemi ile sıralanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, yolcu uçağı gövdesi için en uygun ilk üç malzeme sırasıyla CFRP, Ti-6Al-4V ve GFRP olarak belirlenmiştir. Abstract The variety of engineering materials is increasing day by day with alloying, post-treatments such as heat treatment, and the production of composite materials, besides pure elements. The selection of the most suitable material for each different part to be produced from such a large material pool is very important. The selection of suitable material for the fuselage, which constitutes an important part of the aircraft, is important in terms of lightness and cost, as well as thermal and mechanical properties. In this study, which aims to select materials for the fuselage of the passenger aircraft, firstly criteria and alternatives have been determined in line with expert opinions. In the study in which criteria such as density, tensile strength, shear strength and cost were taken into consideration, the criteria weights were obtained using SWARA method, and then alternative materials were ranked by MULTIMOORA method according to the criteria weights. As a result, three most suitable materials for the fuselage of the passenger aircraft were determined as CFRP, Ti-6Al-4V and GFRP, respectively. Keywords Fuselage Material selection MCDM SWARA MULTIMOORA Kriter 6 (K6): Termal genleşme [10 -6 /℃] Kriter 7 (K7): Maliyet [$US/kg] Kriter 8 (K8): Yoğunluk [g/cm 3 ] Alternatif 1 (A1): CFRP Alternatif 2 (A2): GFRP Alternatif 3 (A3): AISI 4130 Alternatif 4 (A4): Al 2024-T3 Alternatif 5 (A5): Al 5052-H32 Alternatif 6 (A6): Al 6061-T6 Alternatif 7 (A7): Al 7075-T6 Alternatif 8 (A8): AZ31B Alternatif 9 (A9): Ti-6Al-4V