Secure Communication over BSN Using Modified Feather Light Weight Block (MFLB) Cipher Encryption

A. Siva Sangari, J. Martin Leo Manickam
2015 Journal of Software  
Wireless Body Sensor Network (WBSN) has tremendous applications in healthcare domain. The body sensors collects personal as well as medical information form patient's body and transmit it to healthcare people through internet. In this period of time, it is crucial to ensure security and privacy due to unauthorized access of personal health information by intruder or eavesdroppers. Therefore, encryption is needed before transmitting the data into wireless network. In this paper, a novel
more » ... ht block cipher called (MFLB-Modified Feather Light weight Block) based on Fiestel Cipher structure has been proposed for encryption and Attribute Based Key-Exchange (ABKE) for key management. Thus, the proposed approach achieves high efficiency and security in low energy sensor device and also gives solution to secure key exchange. The security analysis of this scheme proves its strength and efficiency against other techniques.
doi:10.17706/jsw.10.8.961-970 fatcat:ujuwj6ozm5e3pk4sfqzdizdutm