Interactive requirements validation for reactive systems through virtual requirements prototype

Daniel Aceituna, Hyunsook Do, Seok-Won Lee
2011 2011 Model-Driven Requirements Engineering Workshop  
Adequate requirements validation can prevent errors from propagating into later development phases, and eventually improve the quality of software systems. However, validating natural language requirements is often difficult and error-prone. An effective means of requirements validation for embedded software systems has been to build a working model of the requirements in the form of a physical prototype that stakeholders can interact with. However, physical prototyping can be costly, and time
more » ... onsuming, extending the time it takes to obtain and implement stakeholder feedback. We have developed a requirements validation technique, called Virtual Requirements Prototype (VRP), that reduces cost and stakeholder feedback time by allowing stakeholders to validate embedded software requirements through the interaction with a virtual prototype. I.
doi:10.1109/modre.2011.6045361 dblp:conf/re/AceitunaDL11 fatcat:g3rpldsdkraklcu6dgakxbqgey