Homography-Based Visual Control of Nonholonomic Vehicles

G. Lopez-Nicolas, C. Sagues, J.J. Guerrero
2007 Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on  
This paper presents a new visual control approach based on homography. The method is intended for nonholonomic vehicles with a fixed monocular system on board. The idea of visual control used here is the usual approach where the desired position of the robot is given by a target image taken at that position. This target image is the only previous information needed by the control law to perform the navigation from the initial position to the target. The control law is designed by the
more » ... t linearization of the system using elements of the homography as output. The contribution is a controller that deals with the nonholonomic constraints of the mobile platform needing neither decomposition of the homography nor depth estimation to the target.
doi:10.1109/robot.2007.363568 dblp:conf/icra/Lopez-NicolasSG07 fatcat:jgvdrjomdjcptnu5wyfgehrrmy