El marxisme-leninisme a l'aula (I): dels orígens fins a la mort de Stalin

Xavier Baró i Queralt
2019 Temps d'Educaci�  
From the beginnings of their careers, Marx and Engels devoted considerable effort to disseminating the content of their written works. Following the Russian Revolution of 1917, Lenin's new Bolshevik implemented reforms incorporating what were considered the more legitimate aspects of Marxist theory and of Engels's thought. This provoked an often aggressive process of debate which sought to definitively establish the ideological orthodoxy which Stalin coined in his Marxism-Leninism. Finally,
more » ... article also examines the various ideological and historiographic controversies that took place up until the death of Stalin in 1953.
doi:10.1344/tempseducacio2019.57.15 fatcat:f555cfseonajlhss2yb52nasaq