Inheritance of Traditional Decorations under Computer Aided Design

2018 DEStech Transactions on Social Science Education and Human Science  
Development of computer-aided design applications and Traditional Decorations design, software is the core of computer-aided design in Traditional Decoration design, graphic combined with three-dimensional software, building the systematic of Traditional Decorations design and computer-aided design to enhance the artistic beauty of Traditional Decoration design. Secondly, introduce the two-dimensional and three-dimensional software application in fabric pattern and Traditional Decoration
more » ... We can see the convenience of computer-aided design, which combines technology and art in one. And from the comparison of plane and solid software, both proposed to build a systematic mutual, for Traditional Decoration design, which is based on the performance requirements and the effect of artistic design, and the theoretical analysis of consumer purchase intention and behavior; and discussing from the beauty of color, formal and spatial three aspects of computer-aided design to enhance the artistic beauty of Traditional Decoration design.
doi:10.12783/dtssehs/adess2017/17861 fatcat:5vsdn2kljbd33ouvcjcfkwbwke