Study on the Financial Integrationafter the Merger and Acquisition

Sheng Li
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Education, Management, Information and Medicine   unpublished
With the all-round development of social productive forces and technological progress, deepening of economic globalization, merger and acquisition continues to expand its scale. Changing merger forms has made the merger and acquisition become a common economic behavior.And it has become an important mode of capital operation in enterprise, as well as reallocation of resources for community, an effective way to improve efficiency for resources use. Because of the current low success rate of
more » ... rs and acquisitions, as a key part of the integration process and the core content, financial integration has become an urgent subject of studying and deepening. This paper is based on this background, summarize the content of financial integration after merger and acquisition. Mergers and acquisitions will carry out a full range of enterprise resources integration. Financial issues exist in the whole process of merger and acquisition activity. Finally it will effect survival of the enterprise.
doi:10.2991/emim-15.2015.252 fatcat:lpcfoixq2fcrpab6mdcjvu54gu