Optimization of I-PD Controller for a FOLIPD Model using Particle Swarm Intelligence

S. J.SujiPrasad, Susan Varghese, P. A. Balakrishnan
2012 International Journal of Computer Applications  
In this paper, I-PD controller is designed and controller parameters are optimized using particle swarm intelligence for a First Order Lag Integrating plus Time Delayed model (FOLIPD). One of the modifications of PID controller is I-PD controller, which can be used for eliminating the proportional and derivative kick occurs during set point change. The controller parameters play the major role in obtaining the desired performance of a process and that urges the importance of selecting the most
more » ... uitable parameters. The simulation results show that particle swarm optimized I-PD controller gives better performance compared to traditional Ziegler Nichols tuning technique and tuning method proposed by Arvanitis.
doi:10.5120/6132-8366 fatcat:huwcuu3ysramzaemgsj65ky63i