Meninges Outside the Meninges: Ectopic Meningiomas and Meningothlelial Proliferations [chapter]

John A. Ozolek
2021 Brain Tumors [Working Title]  
Extracranial meningiomas have been reported for decades now and have been described in the head and neck; calvarial, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, parotid gland and in various remote anatomical locations systemically. The presence of microanatomical structures for all intents and purposes resembling and having the histopathological characteristics of meninges outside of the central nervous system meninges is uncommon but well-documented. Typically, these lesions are found in the
more » ... lung or part of hamartomatous/choristomatous lesions and frequently occur in the head and neck anatomical region. The lesion first described by Suster and Rosai termed \"hamartoma of the scalp with ectopic meningothelial elements\" is the prototypical example of lesions with meningothelial elements. We have described recently a similar hamartomatous lesion with meningothelial elements occurring in the tongue. In this chapter, we will review the clinicopathological features of ectopic meningiomas and lesions that contain meningothelial elements and their possible pathogenesis.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.100206 fatcat:ls777vjodfcs7jc7zidrq2amvy