Mosaic Style Transfer Using Sparse Autocorrelograms

Daniel MacKinlay, Zdravko Botev
2019 Zenodo  
We introduce a novel mosaic synthesis algorithm for musical style transfer using the autocorrelogram as a feature map. We decompose the autocorrelogram feature map sparsely in a decaying sinusoid basis, using that decomposition as an interpolation scheme in feature space. This efficiently provides gradient information in the mosaicing optimization, including of the challenging time-scale parameters which are usually intractable for discretely sampled signals. The required calculations are
more » ... htforward to parallelize on vector-processing hardware. Our implementation of the method provides good quality output and novel musical effects in example tasks by itself and can also be integrated into alternative mosaicing methods.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3527956 fatcat:2gt5rry2qjetxg4xd5j6bjht6i