Performance analysis of experimentally viable photonic crystal enhanced thermophotovoltaic systems

Yi Xiang Yeng, Walker R. Chan, Veronika Rinnerbauer, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljačić, Ivan Celanovic
2013 Optics Express  
One of the keys towards high efficiency thermophotovoltaic (TPV) energy conversion systems lies in spectral control. Here, we present detailed performance predictions of realistic TPV systems incorporating experimentally demonstrated advanced spectral control components. Compared to the blackbody emitter, the optimized two-dimensional (2D) tantalum (Ta) photonic crystal (PhC) selective emitter enables up to 100% improvement in system efficiency. When combined with the well characterized cold
more » ... e tandem filter and the latest InGaAs TPV cells, a TPV energy conversion system with radiant heat-to-electricity efficiency of 25% and power density of 0.68 W cm −2 is achievable today even at a relatively low temperature of 1320 K. The efficiency could be increased to ∼ 40% (the theoretical 0.62 eV single bandgap TPV thermodynamic limit at 1320 K is 55%) as future implementation of more optimized TPV cells approach their theoretical thermodynamic limit.
doi:10.1364/oe.21.0a1035 pmid:24514924 fatcat:snf4cutjqnafpp33nxwp5xhejy