Design and Analysis of a Vibration-Driven Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Using Multi-Pole Magnet

Ahmed Munaz, Gwiy-Sang Chung
2012 Journal of Sensor Science and Technology  
This paper presents the design and analysis of a vibration-driven electromagnetic energy harvester that uses a multi-pole magnet. The physical backgrounds of the vibration electromagnetic energy harvester are reported, and an ANSYS finite element analysis simulation has been used to determine the different alignments of the magnetic pole array with their flux lines and density. The basic working principles for a single and multi-pole magnet are illustrated and the proposed harvester has been
more » ... sented in a schematic diagram. Mechanical parameters such as input frequency, maximum displacement, number of coil turns, and load resistance have been analyzed to obtain an optimized output power for the harvester through theoretical study. The paper reports a maximum of 1.005 mW of power with a load resistance of 1.9 kΩ for 5 magnets with 450 coil turns.
doi:10.5369/jsst.2012.21.3.172 fatcat:bbmx7wnyavhgdpz47xb5zth2f4