Fully Reflexive Intensional Type Analysis in Type Erasure Semantics [report]

Bratin Saha, Valery Trifonov, Zhong Shao
2005 unpublished
Compilers for polymorphic languages must support runtime type analysis over arbitrary source language types for coding applications like garbage collection, dynamic linking, pickling, etc. On the other hand, compilers are increasingly being geared to generate type-safe object code. Therefore, it is important to support runtime type analysis in a framework that generates type correct object code. In this paper we show how to integrate runtime type analysis over all types of a higher order typed
more » ... ource language, including quantified types, into a system that can propagate type information through all compilation phases.
doi:10.21236/ada436474 fatcat:t7ezqw6pyrhefmerp4vervf7ke