Application of Lagrange Multiplier Formalism to Modeling of Longitudinal Vibration of Lower-Limb Exoskeleton

M. Skotniczny, D. Cekus, P. Kwiatoń
2021 Acta Physica Polonica. A  
The paper formulates and solves the problem of free longitudinal vibration of the lower-limb exoskeleton using the method of Lagrange multipliers. Parts of the exoskeleton were replaced with continuous and discrete elements. The physical model includes properties characterizing the interaction between exoskeleton components, contact with the ground and the method of applying the load. On the basis of the presented model, an algorithm and a computational program were developed. It allowed to
more » ... uct the studies of the influence of selected model parameters on the longitudinal vibrations of the considered system. topics: discrete-continuous system, exoskeleton, free vibration, Lagrange multiplier formalism
doi:10.12693/aphyspola.139.535 fatcat:es5o57w4bbhwrj4d7djijpkzpq