The Daily Texan [article]

University Of Texas At Austin, Austin, The University Of Texas At
Ten Pages Today No. 123 UT Students Released On Bail in Protest Case * By PATTY Bl RN FTT Two U niversity students w ere free on bond W ednesday afte r their arre sts Tues d ay night when anti-w ar dem o n strato rs scuffled with S tate highway patrolm en. Randall Boykin, junior from Corpus C hristi, and Thom as H annibal, a junior whose father is an officer a t Randolph Air F o rce Base, w ere charged before P eace Ju stice F ran k McBee with agg rav ated as sau lt on an officer. Their bonds w
more » ... ere set at 5300 and $300. Boykin also drew a c h arg e of abusive language. The two w ere am ong a crowd of pro te ste rs at G regory Gym when P resident Lyndon B. Johnson w as leaving a gala b irth d ay p a rty for Gov. John Connallv. Reportedly, a bottle was throw n a t the P re sid en t's ca r. Tile two a rre sts followed. Involvement Denied Both m en denied Involvem ent In the bottle throwing. N either claim ed to belong to any group particip atin g in th e dem on stration. H annibal had not entered his plea by W ednesday. Boykin pleaded innocent on both ch arg es. He is represented by F ra n k Ma loney, attorney and lectu rer in law. Boykin said he w as " not Initially a d em o n strato r," but a sp ectato r with anti w ar and non-violent inclinations. He did not c a rry a sign. He said he saw a D epartm ent of Public Safety officer g rab Hannibal, " in m y opin ion, for no rea so n ," and he followed an " a n g ry " crow d, condemning the a rre st as " u n fa ir." Assembly to Consider Constitution Changes Proposed am endm ent of the Students' As sociation constitution is the m ajo r topic for th e Student A ssem bly's m eeting a t 7 p.m.
doi:10.26153/tsw/30453 fatcat:cldj5fkhdzcevmpgawzkdqpacm