Human-Humanoid walking gait recognition

V.V. Hafner, F. Bachmann
2008 Humanoids 2008 - 8th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots  
This paper addresses a typical Humanoid problem, that of walking gaits. Creating a stable walking gait on a humanoid robot is a problem that is addressed by many roboticists worldwide. We want to focus on a similar issue that is often overlooked: recognition of different walking behaviours in humans and humanoid robots. We introduce a method that is able to recognise persons as well as their current walking behaviour based on accelerometer data. This is an important skill and prerequisite for all human-Humanoid imitation and interaction tasks.
doi:10.1109/ichr.2008.4756011 dblp:conf/humanoids/HafnerB08 fatcat:s776x6elz5bx3hxfcxp4zts6q4