A theory of viscoelastic crack growth-Revisited [post]

Richard A Schapery
2021 unpublished
A theory of viscoelastic crack growth developed nearly five decades ago is generalized to express traction in the so-called fracture process zone or failure zone as a function of the crack opening displacement (COD). In earlier work, except for minor exceptions, traction was specified as a function of location. The new model leads to a nonlinear double integral that has to be solved for the COD before crack growth can be predicted. First, a closed-form, accurate approximation is found for a
more » ... ar elastic body. We then show that this COD may be easily and accurately extended to linear viscoelasticity using a realistic, broad spectrum creep compliance. An analytical relationship connecting the stress intensity factor to crack speed then follows. Consistent with earlier work, it is defined almost entirely by the creep compliance. Five different failure zone tractions are employed; their differences are shown to have little effect on crack growth other than through a speed shift factor. The Appendix discusses initiation of growth.
doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-733371/v4 fatcat:ul2sexbrszcddkom76valvrnja