Position statement: TAPs all over my chips

S.F. Oakland
Proceedings. International Test Conference  
An increasing number of system-on-chip (SoC) application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) have more than one embedded processor with test access port (TAP). A processor's TAP facilitates a hardware interface to a software development/debug tool. Such tools exist for several different processors and embedded controllers such as the IBM PowerPC family of processors, the ARM family of processors, and digital signal processors (DSPs). Processor control features typical of such tools include
more » ... start, step, set breakpoints, reset, and initialize. Typical low-level processor watch functions include displaying and modifying memory, registers, and cache.
doi:10.1109/test.2002.1041899 dblp:conf/itc/Oakland02 fatcat:6vhnrx5eqvf5xiv42dosirqdku