C_HW7 (hamming) v1 [dataset]

Ken Youens
2016 protocols.io  
This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited 1 Checkout or update (git pull) https://github.com/kyclark/metagenomics-book $ ssh hpc $ (cd metagenomics-book && git pull) $ cp -r metagenomics-book/problems/hamming ~/abe487/problems $ cd !$ $ git add hamming $ git commit -m 'adding hamming' hamming $ git push
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doi:10.17504/protocols.io.f7wbrpe fatcat:brmgwo4pxbcq5mmhcmzlkzfq7u