Amelogenesis Imperfecta: A Series of Case Report Case Report

Nuzula Begum, Gowri P Bhandarkar, Raghavendra Kini, Vathsala Naik, K Rashmi, Lizzy Carol, D Souza
2015 International Journal of Advanced Health Sciences   unpublished
The enamel may be hypoplastic, hypo mineralized or both and teeth affected may be discolored, sensitive or prone to disintegration either post-eruption or pre-eruption. 2 It may be associated with morphologic or biochemical changes elsewhere in the body. 3 Hypoplastic AI represents 60-73% of all cases; hypo-maturation AI represents 20-40%, and hypo-calcification AI represents 7%. 4 The most widely accepted classification is that proposed by Witkop and Sank in 1976. Aldred and Crawford also
more » ... sed a new classification. Witkop and Rao, (1971) classified AI broadly based on phenotype and style of inheritance 5 into three categories: Hypoplastic variety, hypocalcified variety, and hypo maturation variety. Aldred and Crawford in 1995 6 classified based on a molecular defect, biochemical result, mode of inheritance and phenotype. Dental enamel, a highly mineralized tissue has over 95% of its volume being occupied by unusually large, highly organized, hydroxyapatite crystals. 2 The formation of enamel has been highly organized, and unusual structure is thought to be rigorously controlled in ameloblasts. This has been through the interaction of a number of organic matrix molecules. 7