P2P-based Network and Service Operation for the Emerging Future Internet

K. Tutschku
2007 PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation  
Part I: Trends and Challenges by the Emerging Future Internet II. TRENDS Today's Internet does not show a general overload situation which would ask for a new network architecture. Actually, it performs very well in some parts, as examples such as P2P file-sharing show. However, some deep limits in its applicability and operation can be observed as well as new ideas in using the system. In addition, recent advances in networking technology have been made which might overcome some of the
more » ... ons of today's Internet. In the following, remarkable developments which call for new network and application architectures and for new operation procedures will be summarized. Services and Applications. The services in classical communication networks, such as ISDN or GSM, are rather platform-dependant. Due to the increased application of abstraction layers, like the Internet Protocol (IP) or overlay techniques, services can be consumed now in a variety of wireless and wireline networks such as ADSL, WLAN, or UMTS. Hence, the transition from single network services to multi-network services has occurred. Classical services are provisioned by network operators. However, the success of P2P file-sharing has blurred the boundary between content providers and consumers. In addition, they showed that edge-based communities can easily design, deploy and offer services. The new services reveal edge-based intelligence and form overlays with application-specific naming and routing concepts. Furthermore, users transfer their social behavior increasingly to networks and networked applications. Social networking web sites like "YouTube" [2] or "MySpace" [3] with user-generated content became tremendously popular. They permit the users to structure the use of the information according to their specific social interests or relationships. The ubiquity and availability of networked application in today's wired and wireless networks combined with an increasing commercial significance has led to a demand for highly dependable networks and services. Hence, automatic resilience, fault management, and overload mecha-
doi:10.1515/piko.2007.68 fatcat:4sgxllu3k5h4tkdomjxuijh7da