Knowledge and Awareness on the Role of Hand Sanitizer in Prevention of COVID 19 - A Questionnaire Survey

M. Kavya Shree, Leslie Rani S, Brundha M. P.
2020 International Journal of Current Research and Review  
Hand hygiene is now regarded as one of the most important elements of infection control activities. This is not only because of the magnitude of the problem but in terms of the associated morbidity, mortality, and cost of treatment. Alcoholbased hand sanitizers used in healthcare settings will provide better hand hygiene. Hand sanitizers are used properly with a high concentration of alcohol and can ensure the best results within seconds. But it also causes dryness of the skin. Objective: The
more » ... udy aims to assess the knowledge of the general population on hand sanitization and also to evaluate the importance given for hand hygiene in controlling the spread of disease. Materials and Method: A cross-sectional Questionnaire survey was initiated in the Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu. Nearly 100 people responded. Statistical analysis was done using the SPSS software version 22. Descriptive statistics were expressed using frequency and percentage. Chi-square tests were used to find the association between the variables. Result: The result varies according to the age groups but almost (57%) prefer hand sanitizer rather than soap and water for hand hygiene, using Chi-square tests; p-value = 0.022), it is statically significant. Conclusion: The conclusion of this article that nearly 80% of people are aware of the importance of hand sanitizer in pandemic conditions is COVID-19, p-value = 0.773 it is statistically significant. They also agree that the usage of hand sanitizer prevents diseases and keeps our hygiene.
doi:10.31782/ijcrr.2020.sp15 fatcat:6ovs6txhx5es3hu4ecj2acxinm