Linear Stability Analysis of Self-Excited Motion of Liquid-Liquid Interface with Chemical Reaction

1993 Journal of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics  
Self-excited fluid motion on the both sides of an interface of two immiscible liquids is analysed in the case where a chemical reaction is occuring on the interface and reactants are supplied through diffusion. Effects of variation of the interfacial tension coefficient, onsets of viscous flows in both fluids and surface viscosity of the interface are considered. The interface is assumed to move within its plane driven by the variation of the surface tension. The results of linear stability
more » ... ysis suggest an existence of a wave length with the largest instability. Dependences of the instabillity on several parameters are obtained.
doi:10.11426/nagare1982.12.157 fatcat:w466orey5rerno4tdmsewwewli