Universal Signature from Integrability to Chaos in Dissipative Open Quantum Systems

Gernot Akemann, Mario Kieburg, Adam Mielke, Tomaž Prosen
2019 Physical Review Letters  
We study the transition between integrable and chaotic behavior in dissipative open quantum systems, exemplified by a boundary driven quantum spin chain. The repulsion between the complex eigenvalues of the corresponding Liouville operator in radial distance s is used as a universal measure. The corresponding level spacing distribution is well fitted by that of a static two-dimensional Coulomb gas with harmonic potential at inverse temperature β∈[0,2]. Here, β=0 yields the two-dimensional
more » ... n distribution, matching the integrable limit of the system, and β=2 equals the distribution obtained from the complex Ginibre ensemble, describing the fully chaotic limit. Our findings generalize the results of Grobe, Haake, and Sommers, who derived a universal cubic level repulsion for small spacings s. We collect mathematical evidence for the universality of the full level spacing distribution in the fully chaotic limit at β=2. It holds for all three Ginibre ensembles of random matrices with independent real, complex, or quaternion matrix elements.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.123.254101 pmid:31922808 fatcat:2iffpdwkxbganbwzutcnkneuhm