Effect of T-stress on Fracture of a Long Cracked Plate in Unsteady Heat Transfer

Shaoqing Zhou, Limin Li, Goutam Pohit
2021 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
In order to accurately predict the structure fracture caused by thermal load, a modified maximum tensile stress (MTS) criterion combined with T-stress is proposed. The modified MTS uses a two-parameter model (stress intensity factor K and T-stress) to describe the fracture behavior under thermal load. The T-stress and stress intensity factor at the crack tip are solved by using J-integral in the theoretical calculation of a cracked strip with temperature difference. The results show that
more » ... s can affect the fracture toughness and the stress at the crack tip of the cracked strip with temperature difference. This provides a basis for the simulation of structural fracture under thermal load.
doi:10.1155/2021/2700064 fatcat:laxywrcw35cwvkq33nxnzvbske