Yield Estimation for a Single Purpose Multi-Reservoir System Using LP Based Yield Model

Deepak V. Pattewar, Kalpeshkumar M. Sharma, P. D. Dahe
2013 Journal of Water Resource and Protection  
Application of optimization techniques for determining the optimal operation policy for reservoir is a major area in water resources planning and management. Linear programming, ruled by evolution techniques, has become popular for solving optimization problems in diversified fields of science. An LP-based yield model (YM) has been used to reevaluate the annual yield available from the reservoirs for irrigation. This paper extends the basic yield model and presents a yield model for a
more » ... eservoir system consisting of single-purpose reservoirs. Optimum yield of reservoirs system is calculated by yield model. The objective is to achieve prespecified reliability for irrigation and to incorporate an allowable deficit in the annual irrigation target. The yield model is applied to a system of two reservoirs in the Manar River in India. This model can act as a better screening tool in planning by providing outputs that can be very useful in improving the efficiency and accuracy of detailed analysis methods such as simulation.
doi:10.4236/jwarp.2013.57a005 fatcat:7e5nuakmvncsfpsjwa33l4kzaa