Density evolution for deterministic generalized product codes with higher-order modulation

Christian Hager, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Henry D. Pfister, Fredrik Brannstrom
2016 2016 9th International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing (ISTC)  
Generalized product codes (GPCs) are extensions of product codes (PCs) where coded bits are protected by two component codes but not necessarily arranged in a rectangular array. It has recently been shown that there exists a large class of deterministic GPCs (including, e.g., irregular PCs, halfproduct codes, staircase codes, and certain braided codes) for which the asymptotic performance under iterative boundeddistance decoding over the binary erasure channel (BEC) can be rigorously
more » ... ed in terms of a density evolution analysis. In this paper, the analysis is extended to the case where transmission takes place over parallel BECs with different erasure probabilities. We use this model to predict the code performance in a coded modulation setup with higher-order signal constellations. We also discuss the design of the bit mapper that determines the allocation of the coded bits to the modulation bits of the signal constellation.
doi:10.1109/istc.2016.7593112 dblp:conf/istc/HagerAPB16 fatcat:ry4psvc2nvamhcpmfwbf5eyoyy