Existence of minimal and maximal solutions to RL fractional integro-differential initial value problems

Z. Denton, J. D. Ramírez
2017 Opuscula Mathematica  
In this work we investigate integro-differential initial value problems with Riemann Liouville fractional derivatives where the forcing function is a sum of an increasing function and a decreasing function. We will apply the method of lower and upper solutions and develop two monotone iterative techniques by constructing two sequences that converge uniformly and monotonically to minimal and maximal solutions. In the first theorem we will construct two natural sequences and in the second theorem
more » ... we will construct two intertwined sequences. Finally, we illustrate our results with an example.
doi:10.7494/opmath.2017.37.5.705 fatcat:7ciovl3kxjgq7hl6ue6lhhunhq