Transient photovoltage in GaN as measured by atomic force microscope tip

M. A. Reshchikov, S. Sabuktagin, D. K. Johnstone, H. Morkoç
2004 Journal of Applied Physics  
We studied restoration of the band bending at the surface of undoped GaN layers after illumination with above-bandgap light. The photovoltage saturated with illumination at about 0.2-0.3 eV at room temperature, although the upward band bending for GaN in the dark is of the order of 1 eV. We attribute the photovoltage effect to charging of the surface states, the density of which is estimated at about 10 12 cm −2 . Restoration of the barrier after a light pulse is simulated by a phenomenological
more » ... model whereby the acceptorlike surface states are emptied of electrons under illumination and filled back in dark due to thermionic transfer of free electrons from the bulk to the surface states over the near-surface barrier. Photoinduced desorption of oxygen also affects the value of the photovoltage if the illumination is prolonged.
doi:10.1063/1.1774245 fatcat:qqno622k2zhqjkzybcyy6ymy4a