Development and evaluation of candidate recombinant Salmonella-vectored Salmonella vaccines

R. E. Wolfenden, S. L. Layton, A. D. Wolfenden, A. Khatiwara, G. Gaona-Ramirez, N. R. Pumford, K. Cole, Y. M. Kwon, G. Tellez, L. R. Bergman, B. M. Hargis
2010 Poultry Science  
Attenuated Salmonella Enteriditis (ΔSE) recombinant vaccine vectors incorporating a Salmonella flagellar filament protein (fliC) subunit, a putative cell-mediated epitope, for expression of the lamB gene (encoding a maltose outer membrane porin), with or without co-expression of a putative immune-enhancing CD154 oligopeptide, were developed and compared with wild-type Salmonella Enteriditis (experiments 1 and 2) or the attenuated ΔSE empty vector (experiment 3) as initial vaccine candidates
more » ... nst Salmonella infection. A total of 3 experiments were performed to assess the infection and clearance rate of each of these constructs. Each construct or Salmonella Enteriditis was orally administered to broiler chicks at day of hatch by oral gavage (~10 8 cfu/chick). In experiments 1 to 3, liver-spleen and cecal tonsils were removed aseptically for recovery of wild-type Salmonella Enteriditis or ΔSE mutants. These experiments suggested that cell surface expression of fliC alone markedly increased the clear-ance rate of the vector at or before 21d postvaccination in all 3 experiments. In a fourth experiment, broilers were vaccinated with one of the vaccine constructs or the ΔSE empty vector and then challenged with wildtype Salmonella Typhimurium. At 19 d posthatch, 16 d postinfection, neither candidate protected against challenge significantly better than the ΔSE empty vector, although there was significantly less Salmonella recovered from vaccinated chickens as compared with nonvaccinated controls. These experiments indicate that these experimental vaccines did not protect against heterologous challenge or enhance clearance after Salmonella Typhimurium challenge; as such, their value as vaccines is limited. The increased clearance of the candidate vaccines, particularly the vector expressing fliC alone, may have value in that the fliC epitope may decrease the clearance time of other recombinant vectored Salmonella vaccines.
doi:10.3382/ps.2010-00702 pmid:20952699 fatcat:nk37urzlp5cynno5wvvggo6l2e