The social amplification of risk and the hazard sequence: the October 1995 oral contraceptive pill scare

Julie Barnett, Glynis M Breakwell
2003 Health, Risk and Society  
Hazard notifications routinely occur as part of the identification or management of a hazard. It is argued that a series of such notifications -a hazard sequence -may affect public responses to future notifications about that hazard and also that hazard sequences can help explain patterns of risk amplification, particularly how a risk becomes normalised. Exploration of the hazard sequence also means exploring hazard templates: frameworks through which people make sense of risk information
more » ... the lifetime of the hazard. Events surrounding the 1995 oral contraceptive 'pill scare' are used to illustrate the way in which a hazard sequence might operate.
doi:10.1080/13698570310001606996 fatcat:xhskz5eenzfo3a2a3x3wazdkam