Comparative investigation of job motivation, perceived job stress and job satisfaction on teacher's efficacy among public and private secondary school teachers in Ekiti State, Nigeria
Komparativno ispitivanje poslovne motivacije, opaženog stresa u vezi posla i poslovne satisfakcije na uspešnost nastavnika među nastavnicima srednjih javnih i privatnih škola u Državi Ekiti, Nigerija

Ernest Okpako
2020 Zbornik radova (Univerzitet u Kragujevcu. Pedagoški fakultet u Užicu)  
The study examines the comparative investigation of job motivation, perceived job stress and job satisfaction on teacher's efficacy among public and private secondary school teachers in Ekiti State, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive design of correlational type. A Sample of two hundred hundred fifty public and private secondary school teachers were selected using a multi-stage sampling technique. Four scales were used to collect information. Eight research questions were raised and
more » ... ed in the study. Data collected were analyzed using T-test and Multiple regression analysis. Results indicated that there was a significant difference in the teaching efficacy of public and private secondary school teachers; t (248) = -3.206, p < .05, there was also a significant difference in the job motivation of public and private secondary school teachers; t (248) = -2.159, p < .05, a significant difference also was observed in the perceived stress of public and private secondary school teachers; t (248) = -3.648, p < .05 and a significant difference in the job satisfaction of public and private secondary school teachers was also observed; t (248) = -2.742, p > .05. The Regression analysis revealed that there was a joint effect of the independent variables (job motivation, perceived stress and job satisfaction) on public school teachers' efficacy (R = .598, P < .05). 34.3% of the variance was accounted for by the predictor variables when taken together. The significance of the composite contribution was tested at (P < .05). Furthermore, there was also a joint effect of the independent variables (job motivation, perceived stress and job satisfaction) on private school teachers' efficacy (R = .641, P < .05). 39.4% of the variance was accounted for by the predictor variables when taken together. The significance of the composite contribution was tested at (P < .05). It is recommended from the findings of the study that the welfare of teachers who are the engine room of secondary education is very critical to their efficacy most notably in the private secondary school section. Also, Government, employers and stakeholders in the secondary education must ensure the wellness of teachers in order to facilitate the learning process towards good teaching, self-development of teachers, students and nation at large.
doi:10.5937/zrpfu2022025o fatcat:7ajgxajdargntlmc477vcnjiiy