Baby Modula-3 and a theory of objects

Martin Abadi
1994 Journal of functional programming  
AbstractBaby Modula-3 is a small, functional, object-oriented programming language. It is intended as a vehicle for explaining the core of Modula-3 from a biased perspective: Baby Modula-3 includes the main features of Modula-3 related to objects, but not much else. To the theoretician, Baby Modula-3 provides a tractable, concrete example of an object-oriented language, and we use it to study the formal semantics of objects. Baby Modula-3 is defined with a structured operational semantics and
more » ... th a set of static type rules. A denotational semantics guarantees the soundness of this definition.
doi:10.1017/s0956796800001052 fatcat:qrqcv7dz2jhhfg4dckvi62rcni