Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Markers Linked to a Major Quantitative Trait Locus Controlling Scab Resistance in Wheat

Guihua Bai, Frederic L. Kolb, Gregory Shaner, Leslie L. Domier
1999 Phytopathology  
Bai, G.-H., Kolb, F. L., Shaner, G., and Domier, L. L. 1999. Amplified fragment length polymorphism markers linked to a major quantitative trait locus controlling scab resistance in wheat. Phytopathology 89:343-348. Scab is a destructive disease of wheat. To accelerate development of
doi:10.1094/phyto.1999.89.4.343 pmid:18944781 fatcat:gwpmvohf6ffxzonopiz235ip6q