Korean Older Intimate Partner Violence Survivors in North America: Cultural Considerations and Practice Recommendations

Woochan S. Shim, Holly Nelson-Becker
2009 Journal of Women & Aging  
While literature on elder abuse has expanded, elder abuse by intimate partners has been less investigated. Even less is known about intimate partner violence among older Koreans living in North America. This article identifies important cultural considerations for individuals helping the Korean older adult community beginning with the definition of intimate partner violence in this community and barriers to leaving that include traditional views of the East Asian self. Current practice
more » ... ions are discussed and recommendations for future practice such as healing han, the accumulated suffering from years of abuse, are suggested. The ultimate goal of this paper is to expand awareness in order to develop the best culturally competent prevention and intervention practice for Korean older intimate partner violence survivors in North America.
doi:10.1080/08952840903054773 pmid:20183146 fatcat:xg2d6lbovjdihmeu7ih7i54vnq