SM/sup CMM/ model to evaluate and improve the quality of the software maintenance process

A. April, A. Abran, R.R. Dumke
Eighth European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2004. CSMR 2004. Proceedings.  
Software maintenance function suffers from a scarcity of management models that would facilitate its evaluation, management and continuous improvement. This paper is part of a series of papers that presents a Software Maintenance Capability Maturity Model (SM CMM ). The contributions of this specific paper are: 1) to describe the key references of software maintenance; 2) to present the model update process conducted during 2003; and 3) to present, for the first time, the updated architecture of the model.
doi:10.1109/csmr.2004.1281425 dblp:conf/csmr/AprilAD04 fatcat:k3cyxr7wdnd2dcrad2m6v2o52e