Quench-Hardening Mechanism Based on the Electrical Properties in Non-Stoichiometric NiTi

Toshiyuki Suzuki, Katashi Masumoto
1974 Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals  
In order to clarify the cause of quench-hardening in Ni-rich NiTi, the relation between composition and electrical resistivity, and the change in the electrical resistivity at a constant rate of heating for NiTi have been measured. On the Ni-rich side of the stoichiometry, the electrical resistivity increases with increasing nickel content for waterquenched specimens and remains constant at non-stoichiometric composition for slowly cooled specimens. The measurements of electrical resistivity at
more » ... a constant rate of heating for water-quenched Ni-rich NiTi show a significant decrease
doi:10.2320/matertrans1960.15.150 fatcat:gwn3bosmqzgfpjn6hb3p33o67e