Beige granules as a cell marker for clonal analysis in kidney and liver of mouse aggregation chimaeras, and three-dimensional reconstruction from serial paraffin sections

N Nakatsuji
1988 Development  
Anomalous giant granules of beige (bg) mice have been used as a cell marker in the study of cell lineage of mast cells. Similar granules are known to exist in other tissues including kidney proximal tubules and liver parenchymal cells. In the present study, these granules were found to give yellow or orange autofluorescence when the tissue had been fixed with formaldehyde and embedded in paraffin. Thus, the granules can be used as a cell marker that can be visualized in serial paraffin sections
more » ... without any specific histochemical staining. Chimaeric mice were produced by aggregation of 8-cell-stage embryos of beige (C57BL/6J-bgJ/bgJ) and A/J strains. The chimaeric liver showed beige cell patches with complicated shapes, although the patches frequently conformed to the shape of parenchymal cell cord or plate structures. In chimaeric kidney, beige cells formed coherent patches in the proximal tubules. The tubules were found to contain more than one clone. The patches frequently had long extended shapes suggesting growth of the clone along the tubule axis. Three-dimensional image reconstruction from the serial paraffin sections was carried out with the aid of a computer-assisted image analysis system, resulting in a clearer image of the patch shape.
pmid:3256469 fatcat:4wpxcotzxzenjkamcpsdowg2ea