The Shortest Confidence Interval for the Mean of a Normal Distribution

Traoré Boubakar, Diabaté Lassina, Touré Belco, Fané Abdou
2018 International Journal of Statistics and Probability  
An interesting topic in mathematical statistics is that of the construction of the confidence intervals. Two kinds of intervals which are both based on the method of pivotal quantity are the shortest confidence interval and the equal tail confidence intervals. The aim of this paper is to clarify and comment on the finding of such intervals and to investigation the relation between the two kinds of intervals. In particular, we will give a construction technique of the shortest confidence
more » ... s for the mean of the standard normal distribution. Examples illustrating the use of this technique are given.
doi:10.5539/ijsp.v7n2p33 fatcat:pst4xmyh7zavjonprxugm6hwuu