Electronic Orientation Aid for Visually Impaired using Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

Akshata Parab, Rashmi Nagare, Omkar Kolambekar, Parag Patil, M.D. Patil, V.A. Vyawahare
2020 ITM Web of Conferences  
Vision is one of the very essential human senses and it plays a major role in human perception about surrounding environment. But for people with visual impairment their definition of vision is different. Visually impaired people are often unaware of dangers in front of them, even in familiar environment. This study proposes a real time guiding system for visually impaired people for solving their navigation problem and to travel without any difficulty. This system will help the visually
more » ... d people by detecting the objects and giving necessary information about that object. This information may include what the object is, its location, its precision, distance from the visually impaired etc. All these information will be conveyed to the person through audio commands so that they can navigate freely anywhere anytime with no or minimal assistance. Object detection is done using You Only Look Once (YOLO) algorithm. As the process of capturing the video/images and sending it to the main module has to be carried at greater speed, Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is used. This will help in enhancing the overall speed of the system and will help the visually Impaired to get the maximum necessary instructions as quickly as possible. The process starts from capturing the real time video, sending it for analysis and processing and get the calculated results. The results obtained from analysis are conveyed to user by means of hearing aid. As a result by this system the blind or the visually impaired people can visualize the surrounding environment and travel freely from source to destination on their own.
doi:10.1051/itmconf/20203203054 fatcat:dcu3el6wx5fyzjyce3ki2rscnu