Color constancy investigated via partial hue-matching

A. D. Logvinenko, A. Beer
2012 Journal of Vision  
Each hue is believed to be made up of the four component hues (yellow, blue, red, and green). A hue consisting of just one component hue is called unitary (or unique). A new technique-partial hue-matching-has been used to reveal the component and unitary hues for a sample of 32 Munsell papers, which were illuminated by neutral, yellow, blue, green, and red lights and assessed by four normal trichromatic observers. The same set of four component hues has been found under both the neutral and the
more » ... chromatic illuminations for all of the observers. On average, more than 87% of the papers containing a particular component hue under the neutral illumination also have this component hue when lit by the chromatic lights. However, only a quarter of the papers perceived as unitary under the neutral illumination continues being perceived as unitary under all of the chromatic illuminations. In other words, most unitary colors shift along the hue circle due to change in an illuminant's chromaticity. Still, this shift of unitary colors is relatively small: On average, it does not exceed one Munsell hue step.
doi:10.1167/12.4.17 pmid:22547571 fatcat:qnggv25fvrgcvonk27nixipywa