Formulation of Food Exchange List and Its Impact on Nutritional Status of Orphan Children in Salem District in India

2020 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
Orphan children are more prone to malnutrition when compared to normal children. Malnutrition is a major problem in India. Nearly 50% of the children are affected from undernourishment in India. The trunk objective of the study is to educate the orphan organization as well as children about the importance of food exchange list and its role in affray malnutrition in Salem.100 orphan children with different age group were selected to conduct the study. Subjects were nutritionally assessed and the
more » ... nutritional demand were noted. Formulated food exchange list were given and advised to implement in their organizations for a three months of interval. The level of progression on nutrition and education status was appraised by using pre and post questionnaires.60% increase in knowledge was found by using pre and posttest evaluation using questionnaires. Awareness program on food exchange list to affray undernourishment results in greater knowledge improvement on orphan organizations as well as children in Salem region.
doi:10.35940/ijrte.e5093.018520 fatcat:n57meuo7frfvjoojjbab2aw26m