The Role of Pathological Anatomy
J. Cohnheim
Scientific American
the area of the tank to the area of the siphon, the length of I ' the furnace, made somewhat in the same style as the The whole fi re-box was lined with fire-bricks. Air was ad the siphon, etc_, but these 1 wiII not go mto_ Siemens. Instead, however, of one of the regenerators mitted to the fire-box between the grate bars as usual; the In conclusion, it is evident that the above form of self· I ' receiving the gas from the generator and the other the air to quantity admitted was regulated by
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... ns of a door. The acting sIphon will be of great practical use for a number of be mil:ed in the furnace and having four regenerating cham-operation is as follows: The oil arrives to the short grate purposes. I wiII merely mention one, namely, that of I bers, the Ponsard system uses but one chamber. This reo bars by means of properly arranged pipes in front of the flushing sewers by means of small quantities of water which generating chamber is made up of a number of passages ad· fire-box, and is conducted by the concave gutters; coming ordinarily run to waste. Take, for instance, a drinkinl\" I joining one another, one series of which receives the hot in contact witb the heated fire-box, it is vaporized and mix. fou nta. in; the water which escapes from it is, under ordl' � gases after combustion, and the other receiving the air to ed with the air which penetrates between the bars. With nary circumstances, absolutely useless for flusbing purposes. De heated by the absorption of heat from the adjoining hot this simple arrangement a �ood combustion was obtained, canals. This system is, therefore, continuous, and simpler and the locomotive upon whIch the apparatus was mounted than the Siemens. It is claimed that a regenerating fur· continued to run for 2,300 miles on regular trains without nace will last one year in a glass house; some have been stoppage. The result of the experiment showed an evapor· known to last three or four years when applied to other ation of 10 kilogrammes 90. of water, while the best purposes than glass making. The regulation of gas and air agglomerated coal bricks only evaporated 7 kilogrammes IS under perfect control, and can be graded as circum· 90. These experiments were carried on with heavy tar oil stances require. This system is now in operation in two from the Paris gas works. melting furnaces and one annealing oven in France. An In other experiments by Mr. Ste. Claire Deville, with a economy of fuel from 30 to 70 per cent. is claimed by their carefully prepared apparatus, the evaporation of water with use. As these proportions are so very wide apart it would heavy Pennsylvania petroleum reached 15 kilogra mmes 30. be interesting to know why such difference exists. Messrs. per kilogramme of petroleum, and with ordinary petroleum W. Sellers & Co., of Philadelphia, Pa , proprietors of the 14 kilogrammes 14., very nearly double the amount obtained Edgemoor forges, write to the mventor that the system ap-with bituminous coal. In all furnaces using petroleum it is plied without grates works admirably with anthracite. The essential that the vapor of petroleum and air should be cost of these furnaces is said to be but two·thirds of that of thoroughly mixed before combustion is reached. An in· the Siemens patent. crease of pressure and the lJeating of the air have also a In the Austrian section Mr, Rosenegger, of Innsbruck, marked economical result. Tyrol exhibited the plan of a new gas furnace used in his In conclusion of this chapter on furnaces we wish to say Collect this water, however, in a tank with a lar � e self-act· factory. A �as generator furnishes the gas, which is con· that we have the assurance of one of the managers of the ing siphon, and as soon as the tank is full, be it In one day ducte d by s U Itable passages to the fire chamber of the melt. largest iron mills in this country that metallurgy at the pre or in several days, the sipho� wiII be br ? ught into a � ti . on, ing furnace. The gas in its passage to the fire chamber is sent day could not be carried on successfully and economi· and th� contents of th . e t�nk dlschar . ged WIth great rap}dlty. met by a current of heated air b lown through iron pipes. cally without the assistance of gaseous fuels. We hear The tnckle from � drInkID� f,:)Unt�In would start . a SIphon The gas and air are regulated by suitable valves so as tq with pleasure that a few of our glass manufacturere have of as much as 10 In. or 12 In. ID dIameter of the lIJ?proved i insure a properly proportioned mixture. After combustion already introduced gas furnaces, and the day is not far form, and would, therefore, flush a sewer of c9nslderable in the furnace the hot gases escape through an iron pipe I off when they wiII supplant the old direct fire furnaces size, say nearly 3 feet in diameter . which leads to a drying oven for drying sand, cullets, etc. entirely. FURNACES. Whenever this drying oven is not used, the heat, before escaping to the outside air, is allowed to go still further and enter another oven used for drying wood, peat, etc., used THE following treatise on glass and other furnaces is from as fuel. The hot air supplied for mixing with the gas is the forthcoming report of C. Colne, Esq., U. S. Commisderived from a current of cold air blown into the chamber sioner' to the Paris Exhibition: . where the iron pipe for the exit of the hot gas is laid. This THE ROLE OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. Inaugural Address of Professor J. COHNHEIM. Translated for the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN from Le Progres M&l.ical.